Leipzig, March 2022 – The new Service Catalogue module of the Deskcenter Management Suite fulfils the wishes of employees according to the motto “1-click-checkout”. Whether a new company mobile phone is pending or a meeting room including catering needs to be reserved – hardware, software and services can be ordered very easily with a mouse click via the Deskcenter AG user marketplace. Workflows ensure automated, reliable processing in the background, including all approval steps.
easily automated
Because hybrid work models are becoming more and more popular, it has become more important for companies to make it as easy as possible for their employees to work from any location. The Deskcenter service catalogue makes a significant contribution to this. It enables authorized persons to easily request everything online that they need for their daily work, from ballpoint pens to conference rooms.

For simple navigation, products and services in the catalogue are clearly grouped by category. Each company defining, for itself, which categories these are. Meaningful descriptions of the products and services available make the decision easier. In any case, the user is only offered a selection that fits the role and can actually be requested.

However, its not just the users who benefit from such a convenient marketplace. At the same time, the companies relieve their internal resources. Because the inquiries are routed directly to where they belong without delay: requests about software or access authorisations go directly to the office responsible for approval, requests for catering to the office manager and desk orders to facilities management.
Maintaining the Deskcenter service catalogue is just as easy as ordering something via the catalogue. New categories can be created in just a few clicks and additional products can be added quickly. Approval and provisioning services can also be assigned to the service accordingly enhancing the process flow.
Transparently documented and costs reduced.
The high degree of automation helps reduce costs by accelerating the ordering process and using fewer human resources. Another plus of the self-service solution : organisations support their compliance processes because approval and security guidelines, as well as regulatory and licensing requirements, can be easily viewed and trusted. To ensure nothing gets out of hand here, the Deskcenter software securely documents every order, approval and delivery.
Digital Employee Experience optimised
A web-based user marketplace including transparent documentation is an efficient way to increase employee productivity and satisfaction. Deskcenter CEO Harvey “The analysts from Gartner also speak of the digital employee experience in this context. In order to expand and ensure this, however, more is needed. It starts with a comprehensive inventory of the entire infrastructure, continues with a high-performance user helpdesk and extends to automated processes for the distribution of operating systems and other software.”