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AOK Bremen/Bremerhaven

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    AOK Bremen/Bremerhaven is the largest health insurance company in the state of Bremen. Over 223,000 insured people, 13,000 employers and nearly 4,000 contractual partners in healthcare trust the AOK. The health insurance company and over 600 employees ensure high customer satisfaction by being particularly close to the insured person. The IT team, comprising six employees, uses Deskcenter Management Suite to ensure IT operations are seamless and provide the ideal support for all employees at the Bremen and Bremerhaven locations.

    Alongside our local partners we found various solutions and took a deep dive into some of them. Deskcenter was the final winner because it fulfilled nearly all of the necessary criteria.

    Ralf Teller
    Teamleader IT, AOK Bremen/Bremerhaven

    With Deskcenter it is now possible to depict all of the systems, components, and assets in a single overview and generate reports at the press of a button. This also benefits other departments such as auditing or the data protection officer who also need access to all of the information and quickly have an overview at all times. Finally Ralf Teller was persuaded by the whole solution which he uses to quickly and competently respond from his workstation:

    “I call a central medium for everything real progress and a significant improvement to the quality of our work. IT administration on the hoof should be a thing of the past for an innovative and modern organization like the AOK.”

    The next thing on our agenda is expanding it to include the software distribution and OS deployment modules. Here too Deskcenter Management Suite should give us significant time savings and ideally a complete solution. “If the implementation goes as quickly and seamlessly as it has so far we will certainly work with the Leipzig-based manufacturer for the long-term. You can definitely rely on Deskcenter for professional support,” reports Ralf Teller from experience.

    Stadt Straubing Rathaus

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